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Bible Prophecy Revealed


Nov 18, 2017

As I am working on a new series of videos on Bible Prophecy I found this great sermon on YouTube and wanted to share it with you. ...Art

Oct 8, 2017

This 3-part video series on the 490-year prophecy in Daniel chapter 9:24~27 is a result of several years of my personal study. I have attended live presentations and viewed many online videos on this prophecy and found them all somewhat lacking. Some may consider this comment as being arrogant on my part so...

Oct 8, 2017

This 3-part video series on the 490-year prophecy in Daniel chapter 9:24~27 is a result of several years of my personal study. I have attended live presentations and viewed many online videos on this prophecy and found them all somewhat lacking. Some may consider this comment as being arrogant on my part so...